· Students will learn to draw favorite animals, people, and objects using different mediums.

· More advanced students will draw from three dimensional objects, illustrations, portraits, etc.

· Introduced to a new subject matter and exercises each week.

· Exposed to art history and styles such as realism, abstract, impressionism, classical, fauvism, etc.

· Instructed in color theory, perspective and composition.

· Classical music is played during class.

Below please find samples of the lessons and check back weekly as I often update the site and add the latest art works from my students.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


In this first class I will introduce the 5 basic elements of shape and after some warm up exercise the students will draw a lion. Once drawn they will use their imagination in choosing color and any other elements of design they like to add. During class I will discuss the lion, the habitat it lives in and show numerous images.
Above are some drawings from my students. The first one was done by a 6 year old, second by a 8 years old, third is by a 6 year old and last one at the bottom is by a 10 year old. There are just wonderful!

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